The Source Library contains detailed bibliographic information on the sources that appear in abbreviated form in the individual case records of the database of deaths and disappearances. Search by using any word appearing in the abbreviated source description or by selecting a source type.

Source Type
Ajusticiado García Olayón, Recuento, 1975Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
"Terrorism & Civil Society...," Granma, 7/31/2003. "Terrorism and Civil Society as Instruments of U.S. Policy in Cuba," Granma International, July 31, 2003.Website or Internet periodical
"Terrorism & Civil Society...," Granma, 7/31/2003.Website or Internet periodical
"The jets roar in," Time, May 26, 1980.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
102 Face Trial, NY Times, 10/11/60.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
12 Doomed in Pinar del Río, NY Times, 1/24/59.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
17 Castro Prisoners, NY Times, 7/7/62.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
2 are Executed, NY Times, 7/14/63.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
2 Castro Foes Executed, NY Times, 6/16/60.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
2 Cubans Highjack Helicopter, NY Times, 3/21/64.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
2 Executed in Cuba; American Arrested, NY Times, 4/16/61.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
2 Executed in Cuba; Called C.I.A. Agents, NY Times, 7/1/62.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
22 Cubans Reported Executed, NY Times, 8/14/65.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
29 de Abril de 1956: Ataque, BohemiaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
3 Cuban Clergymen, NY Times, 10/17/63.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
3 Cubans Executed, NY Times, 1/29/62.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
3 Foes of Castro, NY Times, 6/15/60.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
3 More Executed, NY Times, 1/19/61.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
4 Cubans Die, NY Times, 1/24/64.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
4 More Cubans Executed, NY Times, 11/13/63.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
50 Testimonios Urgentes: Denuncias en Ginebra sobre violaciones de los derechos humanos, Presidio Político Histórico Cubano, Ediciones Universal, Miami 1987.Book
75 Executions Reported, NY Times, 1/13/59.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
9 Americans Held, NY Times, 3/17/59.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
A Boy Not a Symbol, Miami HeraldPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
A los Héroes que cayeron en defensa de la Primera Revolución Socialista de América, 19 abril 2017, (tomado de: Girón, biografía de la victoria, La Habana, Editora Política, 1986).Website or Internet periodical
A Message of the Cuban Political Prisoners, 1964NGO report or publication
A. Larzelere, The 1980 Cuban Boatlift, 1988.Book
A. Leiva, Carta de despedida, 7 abril 2009.Other
A. Martín Valero, Se ahorca joven en prisión, 15 dic. 2009.Website or Internet periodical
Aaron, H.R., Guerrilla Warfare in Cuba, 1965.Academic paper or Journal
Abusleme Hoffman, P., Mueren dos mujeresPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Acciones Terroristas contra Cuba. www.amigosdecuba.comWebsite or Internet periodical
Ackerman, H. 5 Meanings, 1998.Academic paper or Journal
Ackerman, H. The Cuban Balseros, 1995.Academic paper or Journal
Ackerman, H. Mass Migration, Diss. 1996.Unpublished paper or Dissertation
Acle, A., Nine-Day TripPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Acosta, D. Responsabilidad familiar en juego, 2006.Website or Internet periodical
Acta de sentencia, Avance, 3 marzo 196-.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Acuerda el Consejo, GranmaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Adolescente asesinado. Nvo Acción, 2006.Website or Internet periodical
AFP, 15 cubanos han sido, Nuevo Herald, 1/30/1999.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
AFP, Univision, Manifestaciones conmovieron, 2005Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Agresiones Aereas, www.ain.cuWebsite or Internet periodical
Aguiar, J. El costo de las ideas, 1999.Book
Aguilar León, L. Reflexiones sobre Cuba, 1991.Book
Aguilar León, Luis. Cuba: Conciencia y Revolución, 1972.Book
Aguilera, A. La decisión del Teniente Chinea, 1975.Book
Aguirre, R. Amanecer, 1996.Book
Alejandro Gómez Estrada, A. La bestia roja de Cuba: testimonio de un guerrillero anticastrista, 1990.Book
Alex Lazerlele, The 1980 Cuban Boatlift: Castro’s ploy, America’s dilemma. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1988.Book
Alfonso P. Apuntes sobre una muerte no anunciada.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso Torna, O., Suicidios por camancola, 2007.Website or Internet periodical
Alfonso, P. Castro y los Católicos, 1985.Book
Alfonso, P. Historias de espias, 2006.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Castro aprieta el puñoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Cuatro años despuésPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Cuba por dentroPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., El 13 de MarzoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Férreo acoso oficialPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Impiden funeralPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Las caras de una tragedia, 1998Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Palpita la memoriaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Selecciones informa del embajadorPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alfonso, P., Vinculan la muertePeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alina Fernández, Alina: memorias de la hija rebelde de Fidel Castro, Barcelona: Plaza y Janés Editores, 1997.Book
Alleged U.S. Agent, NY Times, 11/7/63.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alles, A. Criminal bombardeo en Santa Clara, 1975.Book
Allyn, J. et. al. On the Brink, 1989.Book
Almeida Bosque, Juan. La Sierra Maestra y más allá, Editorial Política, La Habana, 1995.Book
Almendros, N. and O. Jiménez Leal, Conducta Impropia, 1984.Book
Almohalla, S. and C. Chávez, Girón: Biografía, 1986.Book
Alonso and Lago, First Approx. Model of ForeignAcademic paper or Journal
Alonso and Lago, First Approx. Model of MoneyAcademic paper or Journal
Alonso Román, L. Asesinado reo, 30 sept. 2008Website or Internet periodical
Alonso Román, L. Muere reo, 26 abril 2008.Website or Internet periodical
Alonso, A. El baño de sangrePamphlet or Newsletter
Alonso, Donate, Lago. First Approx. Design of Social SafetyAcademic paper or Journal
Alonso, J. The Ochoa Affair, C. Communism, 1998.Book
Alonso, P., Otro crimenPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alonso, R., Muertes de ilegalesPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Alpízar, M. Crónica de 4 muertes (I), 2003.Website or Internet periodical
Alpízar, M. Crónica de 4 muertes (II), 2003.Website or Internet periodical
Alpízar, M. Muere otra víctima, 2005.Website or Internet periodical
Álvarez Soto, D. Muere recluso en Prisión de Aguadores, 19 dic. 2009.Website or Internet periodical
Alvarez Soto, D. Se ahorcó reo, 12/19/2009.Website or Internet periodical
Alvarez, Jose. La revolución cubana, una rebelión de adolescentes, Amazon/KDP, 2019.Book
Alvarez, Josè. Los fusilamientos de la loma de San Juan: amnesia selectiva 60 años después. CubaNet, 16 enero 2019.Website or Internet periodical
Alvarez, José. Mártires santiagueros, list of cases from investigation to date, 2004.Database or List
Álvarez-Tabío y Longa, P., et. al., El Combate, 1980.Book
Amador, D., El juicio sumario de DiosPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Amalio Fiallo, Cuba: Una revolución reaccionaria, Miami: Revista Ideal, 1979.Book
Ameijeiras Delgado, Efigenio. "Mas alla de nosotros: Columna 6 "Juan Manuel Ameijeiras", II Frente Oriental "Frank Pais", Santiago de Cuba: Editorial Oriente, 1984.Book
American Among 13, NY Times, 10/14/60.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
American in Cuba, NY Times, 3/11/61.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
American Military History, Ch. 12Book
Americas Watch, H. Rights in Cuba, 1989NGO report or publication
Amis, M. Koba the Dread, 2002.Book
Ammar, A. Cuba Nostra, 2005.Book
Amnesty International, Urgent Alert, Nov. 8, 2006.NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1975NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1976NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1979NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1983NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1984NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1986NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1989NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1990NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1992NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1996NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 1997NGO report or publication
Amnesty, 2004NGO report or publication
Amnesty, A Worrying Increase in Death PenaltyNGO report or publication
Amnesty, Americas Regional Country INDEX, 1998NGO report or publication
Amnesty, Political Imprisonment in Cuba, 1987NGO report or publication
Amnesty, The Sinking, 1997NGO report or publication
Amnesty, Treatment of Three Pol. Prisoners, 1997NGO report or publication
Amnistía Internacional: Informe 2004.NGO report or publication
Amuchaústegui, D. Cuba in the Middle East, 1999.Book
An unthinkable slaughter, Miami Herald, 1998Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Ana Maria Jaramillo, Canibalismo para sobrevivir, El Tiempo, 18 de abril 1998. or Internet periodical
Anderson, B., Del Medio Oriente a MiamiPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Anderson, J., From Castro's PrisonsPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Anderson, Jon Lee. Che Guevara, a revolutionary life (New York: Grove Press, 1997).Book
Another Castro Foe, NY Times, 9/20/61.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Antón, A., Adiós PatriaFilm or Video
Antonio de la Cova, The Moncada Attack: Birth of the Cuban Revolution, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2007.Book
Aparelli, H.P. and Cuellar, J. Torturers HidingWebsite or Internet periodical
Appeal, 9 April 2003.Government report or document
Apuntes Bibliográficos de los doce mártires, Museo 13 de marzo.Website or Internet periodical
Aran Shetterly, The Americano: Fighting with Castro for Cuba's Freedom, New York: Workman Publishing, 2007.Book
Architect Reported Doomed, NY Times, 9/27/62.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Arcos, G. Días de Fuego, 1990.Book
Arenas, R. Necesidad de Libertad, 1986.Book
Argentine Comm. on Disapp., Nunca Jamás, 1986NGO report or publication
Arguelles Morán, P. Muere preso común, 1999.Website or Internet periodical
Armenteros, F. Se suicida un cubano, 2001.Website or Internet periodical
Armenteros, F. Desaparecen siete jóvenes, 26/4/2006.Website or Internet periodical
Armenteros, F. Fusilamiento despertó descontento, 14/4/2003.Website or Internet periodical
Arosteguí, M. Fidel May be Part, 2001Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Arroyo, V. Muere por negligencia un preso, 2001.Website or Internet periodical
Arroyo, V. Muere preso desatendido, 2002.Website or Internet periodical
Arroyo, V. Muere un preso cubano, 2001.Website or Internet periodical
Arzuaga, J. La galera de la muerte.Book
Arzuaga, J. Radio interview, 2006.Broadcast: TV or Radio
Asesina a médica cubana, Ansa, 2006.Website or Internet periodical
Asesinados en el transbordador, D. AméricasPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Así Murió el Criminal, Recuento, 1975Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Asón Torga, R. Notas sobre los principios, Cuba in Transition, 1994.NGO report or publication
Ataque al Palacio, Org. AuténticaNGO report or publication
Atentado dinamitero, VoceroPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
B. Salas, Muere reo común en prisión habanera, 22 enero 2009 (as reported by fellow prisoner of the victim, José Miguel Martínez Hernández).Website or Internet periodical
Babson, J. Investigan la muerte de 4 balserosPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Babson, J. and Aruza, A., Head Trauma Killed TwoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Babson, J. and Lynch, M., 3 Cubans are KilledPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Ball, A. Faces of Holiness, 2002.Book
Balmaseda, L., Boy an EmblemPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Balsera muere en travesía, Cubanet, 2006.Website or Internet periodical
Barquín López, Ramón. El día que F. Castro se apoderó de Cuba, 1978.Book
Barquín López, Ramón. Las luchas guerrilleras en Cuba: de la colonia a la Sierra Maestra Coleccio?n Plaza Mayor, 1975.Book
Batalla por la Justicia, UPEC, 2002NGO report or publication
Belliso, S., Why We Risk Our LivesPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Beltrán de Quirós, J. Los unos, 1971.Book
Benemelis, J. Castro: Subversión, 1988.Book
Benemelis, J. and M. Mañón. Juicio a Fidel, 1990.Book
Benemelis, J. Las guerras secretas, 2003.Book
Benge, M. Cuban War Crimes, 2002.Website or Internet periodical
Benigno (Dariel Alarcón Ramírez), Memorias de un soldado cubano: vida y muerte de la revolución, Barcelona, Tusquets Edictiones, 1997.Book
Beruvides, E. Cuba y su presidio político, 1994.Book
Beruvides, E. Cuba: Anuario histórico 1962, 1995.Book
Beruvides, E. Cuba: Anuario histórico, 1992.Book
Beruvides, E. Cuba: Recuento histórico, 1996.Book
Beruvides, E. Los crímenes impunes, 1999.Book
Beruvides, E. Micro-biografía de fiscales, 2003.Book
Beruvides, E. Cuba: Mártires, Víctimas y Victimarios, 2010.Book
Beruvides, Esteban. Cuba y sus mártires, Miami, 1993.Book
Betancourt, E. Context for a Cuban Transition, 2004.Book
Betancourt, E. Fidel Castro and the Drug Trade, 2001.Book
Bez Chabebe, Jorge. Dios me hizo cura: memorias del Padre Jorge Bez Chabebe. Miami: Florida, Editorial Silueta, Julio 2014.Book
Black, H. Black´s Law Dictionary, 1990.Book
Blanco, Y. Muere ahorcada una reclusa, 2002.Website or Internet periodical
Blasts Rock Three More Hotels, Washington PostPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Blázquez, A. and Sutton, J. Barlovento, Cuba Info Link.Website or Internet periodical
Blázquez, A. and C. Wotztow, Cubriendo, 2001.Book
Blázquez, A., Covering Cuba 1Film or Video
Blázquez, A., Covering Cuba 2Film or Video
Blázquez, A., Más noticias sin reportarPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Blight, J. et. al. On the Brink, 1993.Book
Block, R. Cuban Migrants Confront, 2007.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Blumenthal, R., Poles Document HorrorsPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Bofill Pagés, R., Acusación contra el embajadorPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Bohemia 1 feb 1959, online versionWebsite or Internet periodical
Bohemia, Año 51, No. 2, 11 enero 1959Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Bohemia, Ed. especial, 2005.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Bonachea, R. and N. Valdés. Cuba in Revolution, 1972.Book
Bonachea, Ramón L., and Marta San Martín. The Cuban Insurrection 1952–1959. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1974.Book
Bonne-Carcasés, F. et. al. The Homeland is for All, 1997.Book
Bordón Gálvez, O., El miedo corroe el almaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Bosch Aguila, O. El grito del Escambray, 1996.Book
Bovo, E. Brigade 2506 Assoc., 2011Database or List
Bower, J., Cuba: Between the Devil, CANF, 1995.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Bragado Bretaña, R. La fisura, 1998.Book
Brewer, S.P., 2 U.S. Citizens Executed, NY Times, 4/20/61.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Brinton, C. The Anatomy of Revolution, 1965.Book
Britain Renews Protest, NY Times, 10/5/63.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Brown, Charles and Armando Lago, The Politics of Psychiatry, London/New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1991.Book
Brunet, R.C., Así cobró la dictaduraPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Brunet, R.C., Hallazgo de 13 cadáveresPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Burns, J., Castro Says Cuba Will Not AttackPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
C. Caballero Batista, Se ahorca reo en Holguín, 22 enero 2009 (as reported by fellow prisoner of the victim, Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta).Website or Internet periodical
C. Caballero Batista, Se ahorca reo en la prisión provincial de Holguín, 22 enero 2009 (as reported by fellow prisoner of the victim, Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta).Website or Internet periodical
Cabanellas de Torres, G. Diccionario Enciclopédico, 1984.Book
Cabrera Alvarez, G., Una lección, 1994Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cabrera, L.O., Sagua de TánamoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Caídos en misiones internacionalistas, BohemiaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Calatayud, A. El testamento de los desterrados, 1981.Book
Caliente el paredón cubano, Nuevo DíaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Calzón, F. Cuba Denies Medical Attention, 1987Pamphlet or Newsletter
Calzón, F., How Many PrisonersPamphlet or Newsletter
Campbell, A. Guerrillas: A History, 1968.Book
Campbell, M. Behind Che Guevara's Mask.Website or Internet periodical
Cancio Isla, W. 50 años de su denuncia. 21/10/2009.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., En vilo la suertePeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Cadáver hallado flotandoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Cuba revela detallesPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Demandan a CastroPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., El enigma de operación C. RojaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., En el Día de AcciónPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Familia exige explicacionesPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Las cárceles de Cuba, El Nuevo Herald, 18 mayo 2009.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Los cadáveres encontradosPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Reclaman hijos balsera rescatadaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Repatrían a 35 balserosPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Revelan los nombresPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Seis cubanos muerenPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Silencio mortal sobre grupoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Tragedia marítimaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Tropas cubanas disparanPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Velan a dos mujeresPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Velarán hoy a naúfragosPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Vuelve el horrorPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio Isla, W., Washington muy preocupadoPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cancio lsla, W. Hija de piloto de la CIA demanda a Cuba por 21 millones, 4/23/2012.Website or Internet periodical
Cancio W., y Ferreira R., Rescatan a tresPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
CANF, Actualidad Cubana, 1998NGO report or publication
CANF, Cuba País de Lágrimas y Muerte, 1993NGO report or publication
CANF, Cuba: Human Rights Monitor, 1994.Pamphlet or Newsletter
CANF, Cuba: Human Rights Monitor, June 1993.Pamphlet or Newsletter
CANF, Cuba: Human Rights Monitor, Oct. 1995.Pamphlet or Newsletter
CANF, Cuba: Monitor de Derechos Humanos, Jan. 1995.Pamphlet or Newsletter
CANF, Cuba: Monitor de Derechos Humanos, Sept. 1993.Pamphlet or Newsletter
CANF, Follow the Leader in the Horn, 1986NGO report or publication
CANF, Monitor de Derechos, 1995NGO report or publication
CANF, The Quilt of Fidel Castro's Genocide, 1994NGO report or publication
CANF, The Status of Human Rights in Cuba, 1997NGO report or publication
CANF, Violation of H. Rights in Cuba, 2002NGO report or publication
Canning, P. A transgender man dies in custody. 9/15/2011.Website or Internet periodical
Carbonell Cortina, N. And the Russians Stayed, 1989.Book
Carlos Franqui, Cuba, la revolución: ¿mito o realidad? Memoria de un fantasma socialista. Barcelona: Grup Editorial 62, 2006.Academic paper or Journal
Carreño, J. 50 testimonios urgentes, 1987.Book
Cartas de despedida, Diario las AméricasPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Caso 11.436, OAS, IACHR, 1996NGO report or publication
Casos de auto agresión, PayoLibre, 2005.Website or Internet periodical
Castañeda, J. Compañero: Vida y muerte, 1997.Book
Castañeda, R. and G. Montalván, The Arcos Principles, 1994.Academic paper or Journal
Castañeda, R. H., Nunca más, 2002NGO report or publication
Castilla Mas, Belarmino. Memorias del Comandante Anibal, 2da ed., Ediciones Vosa, Madrid, 1999.Book
Castillo Bernal, Andres. Cuando esta guerra se acabe. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2000.Book
Castillo Bernal, Andrés. Tronaron los fusiles. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales,1989.Book
Castillo Montoya, Rolando. Clandestinas, Empresa Editorial Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 1981.Book
Castrillo, R. et. al. Santiago de Cuba, ciudad bravía, 1983.Book
Castro Foe Executed, NY Times, 10/14/62.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Castro Ruz, F. La Historia me Absolverá, 1981.Book
Castro Ruz, F., Armas, síPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Castro Says Cuba, NY Times, 10/31/63.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Castro Says Trials Will Go On, NY Times, 1/4/59.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Castro's Brother Involved, NY Times, 8/22/89.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Castro's Former Executioner, NY Times, 1/28/61.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Castro's Tropical Gulag, Am. Fdtn. Resistance, 1986NGO report or publication
Castro, R. & Guevara, E. La conquista de la esperanza.Book
Cave, D. Bodies identified. NYTimes, 5/8/2009.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cazada, E. Cuba: una isla, 1972.Book
CDD, Cuban Police Brutality, 2007.Website or Internet periodical
Celis Pérez, Estudio Intentos de Salidas Ilegales.Unpublished paper or Dissertation
Cesar Lopez Gil, Renato: todo inolvidable ejemplo.Academic paper or Journal
Cesar Reynel Aguilera, El soviet caribeño: la otra historia de la revolución cubana , Editorial Lende, 2018.Book
Chaliand, G. Guerrilla Strategies, 1982.Book
Chardy, I., Torture Suspect's CitizenshipPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Chávez, P., Hearing Set to Set ScopePeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Chaviano Fundora, Julio. La lucha en Las Villas. La Habana:Editorial Ciencias Sociales, 1990.Book
Chaviano González, F., Listado parcial de desaparecidosDatabase or List
Children of Castro, Jorge Mas Canosa Fdtn., 2000NGO report or publication
Christian, S.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Cino, L., En reclamo de justicia, 2006Website or Internet periodical
Cino,L. Vida y muerte de Manuel Piñeiro Losada (Barbaroja).Website or Internet periodical
Circuito Sur List, Escagedo E. (ed.)Database or List
Circuito Sur, aguadadepasajeros.Website or Internet periodical
Circuito+Sur,+Miguel+Ángel+Vargas.Website or Internet periodical
Ciro Bustos, Che wants to see you, New York: Verso, 2013.Book
Clare, M. and P. Kornbluh, Low Intensity Warfare, 1988.Book
Clarinada, diciembre 2008.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Clarinada, diciembre 2009.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Clarinada, julio 2011.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Clarinada, junio 2009.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Clarinada, octubre 2009.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Clarinada, septiembre 2008.Pamphlet or Newsletter
Clark Sánchez, J. Cuba: Mito y realidad, 1990.Book
Clark Sánchez, J. et. al. The 1980 Mariel Exodus, 1981.Book
Clark Sánchez, Juan M. Exodus, Diss.Unpublished paper or Dissertation
Clark, C. Identifican restos de balseros, 7 mayo 2009.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Clark, Juan, De Fana, Angel, Sánchez, Amaya. Los derechos humanos en Cuba, una perspectiva vivencial. Miami-Caracas, Saeta Ediciones, 1991.Book
Cobas Nuñez, H. El Combinado del Este, 1991.Book
Cobra Cuba muerte, Nuevo DíaPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Colás Castillo, H. Firing Squads, 1999.Website or Internet periodical
Colonel Executed, NY Times, 2/24/59.Periodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
Colta, R., El ametrallamiento de presosPeriodical (Newspaper/Mgzn/Wire)
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